Acupuncture is a proven successful method to abstain from any kind of addiction like smoking, drinking or gambling. It is also very effective in addiction recovery in the long run. Often people are in the tendency to go back to their older habits after the sessions or therapy gets over. Now, this ancient Chinese method of treatment will even help you to get rid of that.
Added to that it even improves the worsened health condition, thus, providing not only prevention but cure. There are far-reaching effects of using this absolutely natural process of treatment that was introduced almost two thousand years back. However, the method got its value in the West only in the 1970s but more and more of them are being aware of its gain in several other disorders other than addiction.
What is acupuncture and how does that work?
Acupuncture has been introduced in China long back. This treatment sees that energy or Qi flows inside the body through certain pathways. Now, any form of sickness or disorder is believed to cause an interruption in the pathways of this flow of energy. In acupuncture to stop smoking or to cure any other issue, needles are inserted into the system in certain anatomic or acupuncture points which bring back the flow in order.
Western science appreciates it a lot since it stimulates connective tissues, nerves, muscles etc hence it enhances the blood flow in the body and even the endorphins are triggered. In fact, the functioning of the nervous system, digestive tract, immune system etc are also better through acupuncture treatment. Back in 1997, National Institute of Health had already declared this method to be a safe one in treating a variety of disorders and conditions.
NADA 5 point ear puncture program to deal with addiction recovery
National Acupuncture Detoxification Association is one widely known program, designed mainly for addiction and its recovery. Often in rehab centers, this is given as a complementary therapy for best results on patients. This helps to fight the urge to get back to addiction after the rehab program is over. Therefore, long-term recovery is smoothened through this. Acupuncture for alcoholism or any other addiction is therefore widely advised. This includes injection of needles in the outer portion of the ears and they are left for next thirty minutes. How it helps is given in following lines:
- Here, the nervous system is calmed and the patient is able to relax deeply.
- Next, anxiety levels are reduced and any sort of nervousness is lessened.
- Any disorder in the internal organs is slowly healed and fears are overpowered by calmness.
- Lastly, it helps in proper air circulation and letting go of repressed grief.
- It depends on the therapist to decide which combinations work best on his patient.
How is acupuncture beneficial for addiction recovery?
Acupuncture is not a means of medication, rather it is a therapy where stress is relieved, anxiety levels get decreased, and depression can be dealt with and even improves sleep. Other than acupuncture, hypnosis to quit smoking is also largely effective and gives satisfying results. The primary motive of the person should, however, be to do away with the habit of any method to provide good results.
Getting in contact with the right addiction curing center is a great idea to get rid of such bad habits. The professionals at Philadelphia Addiction Center make use of various methods to cure the patients of the addictions effectively.
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